Create Prepaid Card


The endpoint and http method information used to create the physical card is given.

POST /v1/cp/Issuing/CreatePrepaidCard

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory
account_number string Yes
wallet_number string Yes
account_type int Yes
currency_code string Yes
product_code string Yes
delivery_address object Yes
city string Yes
city_code string Yes
address_type string Yes
country_code string Yes
town_code string Yes
district string Yes
Address1 string Yes
Address2 string No
Address3 string No
Address4 string No
address_code string Yes
zip_code string Yes

Response Params

Params Type
status int
code string
message string
payload object
card_no string
auth_ecom bool
auth_moto bool
auth_contactless bool
auth_int bool
set_limit bool
card_transaction_limit decimal
card_monthly_limit decimal
card_daily_limit decimal
card_transaction_limit_remaining decimal
card_monthly_limit_remaining decimal
card_daily_limit_remaining decimal
daily_max_amount decimal
weekly_max_amount decimal
monthly_max_amount decimal
yearly_max_amount decimal
created_date_utc string
updated_date_utc string
card_type string


   "wallet_number": "8946165479",
   "account_number": "XX4800",
   "account_type": 1,
   "currency_code": "TRY",
   "product_code": "SPY11", (tenanta göre değişiklik gösterebilir)
   "delivery_address": {
     "city": "İstanbul",
     "city_code": "34",
     "town_code" : "3422",
     "address_type": "W",
     "country_code": "TR",
     "district": "Üsküdar",
     "Address1": "Altunizade mah. Kuşbakışı Cad. No:17/2",
     "Address2": "",
     "Address3": "",
     "Address4": "",
     "address_code": "1",
    "zip_code": "34674"


    "status": 0,
    "code": "200",
    "message": "Kartiniz olusturuldu",
    "payload": {
        "card_no": "434610nlcilh0880",
        "auth_ecom": true,
        "auth_moto": true,
        "auth_contactless": true,
        "auth_int": true,
        "set_limit": false,
        "card_transaction_limit": 0.0,
        "card_monthly_limit": 0.0,
        "card_daily_limit": 0.0,
        "card_transaction_limit_remaining": 0.0,
        "card_monthly_limit_remaining": 0.0,
        "card_daily_limit_remaining": 0.0,
        "daily_max_amount": 0.0,
        "weekly_max_amount": 0.0,
        "monthly_max_amount": 0.0,
        "yearly_max_amount": 0.0,
        "created_date_utc": "2022-09-14T11:43:51.4321672Z",
        "updated_date_utc": "2022-09-14T11:43:51.6119128Z",
        "card_type": "Prepaid"